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Key Performance Indicators

As Governors we look to a set of Key Performance Indicators to review the success and next steps for the school.

These are as follows;


1. Full Governing Body

Key Performance Indicators


1.School Aims and Values

How the school aspires to be fully inclusive, treat everyone equally, strive for excellence and provide the optimum environment for the intellectual, emotional, physical, social and spiritual growth of every pupil in its care.

2.School Christian Distinctiveness / SIAMs Reports

How well the school, through its distinctive Christian character, meets the needs of all learners.

3.Ofsted Reports

School provision, in terms of;

Leadership and Management

Quality of Teaching

Learning and Assessment

Personal Development, Behaviour and Safety Outcomes for Pupils

Effectiveness of Early Years

4.ASP / whole school data

Pupil Progress and Attainment and how well our pupils do within the local and national context.

5.Pupil Premium Report

A range of effective measures are undertaken which result in increased progress, attainment and attendance for disadvantaged children.  The gap between disadvantaged pupils and others narrows. Annually submitted on website with outcomes.

6.SEND (including the Information Report, SEND Policy and Policy for Supporting Children with Medical Conditions)

How well the school meets the needs of children with Special Educational needs and / or disabilities.

The SEND Information Report must be published on the school website.

7.School Self Evaluation

How accurately the school evaluates current provision and make plans for continuous improvement.

8.Sports Premium Report

Plan demonstrates spend is effective in promoting pupil uptake of sports and encouraging healthy eating / healthy lifestyles.  Staff skill base growing. Annually submitted on website with outcomes.

9.Whole School Policies, including;

Positive Behaviour Policy

Anti-Bullying Policy

Complaints Policy

The effectiveness of school policies.

10.Curriculum Policies, including;

English Policy

Maths Policy

Subject Policies

Marking and Feedback Guidelines

These are available to all stakeholders on the school website and accurately reflect current practice.

11.Whole School Curriculum, including provision for Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education

How well the curriculum meets the needs of all learners, is engaging, memorable and broad.

12.School Website

School information is accessible to parents. The school website must be compliant with current regulations.

13.Governor Strategic Aims and Vision

How ambitious the Governors are for the school and how they plan to ensure all provision is of a high quality.

14.Safeguarding Information including provision for;


DBS Checks

Safer Recruitment


How well the school meets its safeguarding duties and keeps children safe in school.

15.Continual Professional Development Records

How well the school meets the professional development needs of all staff.

16.Health and Safety Information

How well the school ensures due regard is given to keeping children safe within the school environment.

17.Parent Questionnaires

How well the school is meeting the needs of parents and families.

2. Resource and Audit Committee

Key Performance Indicators


1.Budget Monitoring Reports / Budget Setting Report

Well thought through, balanced and showing a carry forward of approximately one months running costs.

Regularly reviewed by Governors as evidenced in minutes.

2.Annual Accounts

Financial stability of the academy.  Accounts evidence best value processes.

3.Business Plan (School Development Plan)

Takes school priorities evidenced by data into account. Actions are specific, accurately costed, planned within reasonable timescales and deliver impact for pupils.

4.Three Year Budget Plan

Based on reasonable predictions of expected budget and costs. School priorities are taken into account.  Regularly reviewed by Governors as evidenced in minutes.

5.Pupil Premium Report

A range of effective measures are undertaken which result in increased progress, attainment and attendance for disadvantaged children.  The gap between disadvantaged pupils and others narrows. Annually submitted on website with outcomes.

6.Sports Premium Report

Plan demonstrates spend is effective in promoting pupil uptake of sports and encouraging healthy eating / healthy lifestyles.  Staff skill base growing. Annually submitted on website with outcomes.

7.Risk Policy

All aspects of risks are carefully thought through with workable plans in place to minimize these.

8.Finance Policies

These are shared with all relevant stakeholders and accurately reflect current practice.

9.Attendance data

Attendance target is achieved.  Parents aware of importance of attendance for children.

10.Notional SEND budget

Spend monitored in delivering best outcomes for pupils with SEN and maximising agency support

3. Pay Committee

Key Performance Indicators


1.Pay Policy

Systems in place to ensure decisions regarding pay are appropriate, fair and based on robust procedures.

2.Appraisal Policy

The effectiveness and suitability of appraisal processes.

3.Career Matrix

The career progression structure for teaching staff at St. Matthias CE Primary School.

4.Anonymised information regarding Appraisal

The movement of staff through the pay scale.

Headteacher’s Appraisal Reports

The effectiveness of the Headteacher in bringing about sustained school improvement.