Century Winter Cup Challenge

You may be aware of the programme we have in school called ‘Century’ where children log on to their own account and complete homework and assignments (also known as Nuggets) set by their teachers.
During November, Century have launched a Winter Cup challenge to complete as many ’Nuggets’ as possible. We are competing within classes, across KS2 and internationally with schools who use Century. During week 3, the winners who completed the most ’Nuggets’ in each class were;
Year 3: Jamie
Year 4: Michael
Year 5: Layla
Year 6: Niamh
You have all received a certificate today in Worship. Well done!
Class effort;
Year 3– 2410 questions completed
Year 4– 1437 questions completed
Year 5– 3376 questions completed Well done Year 5, amazing work!
Year 6– 1360 questions complete